Friday, 26 October 2012

Welcome to The Online Dating Dr

I will show you exactly how to meet girls online and easily take them out on a date in the "real world".

I'll start with a cold, hard fact. Most men (and even women) get online dating completely wrong.

Just like in the "real world", there are a lot of men that don't know what they should put in their profile, why they should put it there, or how they should interact with women online. Every aspect of online dating is important: the pictures you should display, the information you should share, what to put in an opening email, moving on to phone conversations, setting up dates, what to do on a date, and much more.

On this site, I'm going to cover everything from these aspects of online dating right through to fashion, diet, grooming, and outlook on life.

Who is this blog aimed at, and why am I making it?

This blog is inspired by my own ups and downs in my experiences with the opposite sex. Although I've never been hopeless with women, I was very aware of the fact that some men just had so much more choice than I; and a lot of them were neither special to look at, nor disgustingly rich. So: what was their secret?

It was this very question, as well as my curiosity and scientifically inclined mind, that led me to better understand the answers to questions most men struggle with for their entire lives: what do women want? What is it that they are attracted to, and why? What is it that most men get wrong? Can I get the same results as the ones who get it right?

The fact is that after years of trial and lots of error, I've arrived in a place where I can systematically meet all kinds of women from many walks of life that are both interesting and beautiful. Now, I want to share what I've learned: not to simply get men laid--that's not the point of the site--but instead, to enable men that are otherwise restricted in choice to be able to really put their best foot forward and open themselves up to a wider audience, instead of just settling for what comes along.

Why should you listen to me?

Before you decide to take my advice, I thought it best to give you a taste of my results. Then, if you like what you see, you can keep reading and I'll talk you through, step by step, how I fumbled my way around figuring out what women want.

Below, you will see some of the results I've had from my turbo-charged online dating profile. All you need to do is stand out from the crowd and not come across as desperate or needy; then you too can have an inbox full of attention.

Emails, messages, winks and favorite adds in just a few short hours of a typical day, without me sending the first messages or making the initial move!!

Ok, but what do these girls look like?

Well, it's a beautiful mixture of races, creeds, colours, sizes and shapes. But for those of you looking for the short answer: yes, there are lots of hot girls in there.

Online dating has become so much more mainstream over the last few years; and as it becomes more socially accepted, more and more people are turning to it every day as a viable option for finding that special someone.

Out of respect for these women, I've tried to keep their anonymity as best as I can while still giving you an idea of what you can expect.

A Week In October

A Week In June

How to get started?

So now that you have an idea of what you can do with online dating, the next question is how do you get started and what are the best online dating sites?